What Is The Toby Project?

The Toby Project is a nonprofit inspired by the community that surrounded us after we lost our soon to be 1 year old son, Tobias Tate Buchholz.

The grief was debilitating, we could not have survived the weeks and months after without being carried and loved by our friends and family.

Our desire is to share that love and the love we have for our son, by caring for families experiencing
child loss due to SIDS/SUID.

If this is you, we are so sorry for your loss, and ask you to please connect with us so we may come along side you in your grief.

If you are wanting to join with us in supporting and caring for families
dealing with this weight of grief, we are happy to have you, your donations are greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the Toby Project.

-Lindsey and Aaron Buchholz-
The Toby Project

Join The Toby Project

Help us to love on families walking out the journey of grief from child loss.
